Die perfekte Zeit für Fortbildung.
“Solidaritätswebinare von Fachpersonen für Fachpersonen

With joint forces we have created short and concise interactive educational webinars which not only add value but also contribute to bringing communities together. Combined they provide opportunities to stay in touch with colleagues and to learn from each other.

You find the overview of all upcoming and  recorded webinars on this new section.

Vorherige Webinare – Aufnahmen jederzeit einsehbar

Fallbas. Erarb. eines Therapie Algo. für prox. Unterarmfrk. - Prof.Dr.Rohit Arora

Management of the Lisfranc pathology - Mr. Jim Carmichael

The Great Discussion, Phalangeal Fractures - Chair: David Shewring

DR Fractures A Level One Trauma Center Perspective - Dr. Ryan Rose

CCS Screws for Intramedullary Fix. of Midshaft Metac. Fract. - FOR & AGAINST

Atualização e tratamento de Tríade Terrível – Dr. Arnaldo Amado

Erros no tratamento das fraturas de punho – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Rames Mattar

Management of small Joint Arthritis with Arthrodesis – Dr. Carlos Heras

Artrodese de 4 cantos – Casos e discussões – Dr. Fábio Imoto

Dicas e Truques: Fixação de Frat. da Borda Distal do Rádio – Dr. Diego Falcochio

MDR aus der Sicht eines Osteosynthese Herstellers – Mit Axel Maltzen

Medartis Webinar: Desafios nas Fraturas de Olecrano –Casos e Discussões - Dr. José Carlos Vilela e Dr. Gustavo Tadeu Sanchez

Unterkieferversorgung: Osteosynthese konventionell / digital?

Scarf Rotacional Como consigo corrigir a pronação – with Dr. Tiago Baumfeld

On table reconstruction of the radial head - with Dr. William Geissler

Indicações para tratamento com placa de escafoide – with Dr. Gustavo Pacheco

Lapidus: Dorso Medial X Plantar – Casos e Discussões – Dr. Lo Turco e Dr. Barban

Fraturas de cabeça de rádio. Casos e Discussões - Dr. Antonio Tufi

Olecranon: Dorsal plating vs. bilateral plating

Managing difficult scenarios in ankle & pilon fract. - Dr. M. Herrera

The DRUJ: challenges of a complex articulation - Dr. Daniel Herren

MTF e Revisão de MTF Casos e Discussões - Dr. Barban e Dr. Ryuko

Lapidus Arthrodesis - modifed or original with Dr. Christian Plaass

Intramed. fix. of fractures of fingers & metacarp. - Dr. M.Calcagni

Webinar Bunion deformity by Dr. Laurence Rubin

Komplextrauma rund um das Olecranon - mit Dr. Konrad Mader

Management of complex distal radius frature - with Dr. Scott Edwards

Flatfoot Deformities - with Dr. Jason Chow

Radiocarpal fusion in deg. and posttraum. situations Dr. Radek Kebrle

Biomechanics II with Matthias Walter, Mechanical Engineer

Coronoid is the key to elbow fracture dislocation

Management of Complex Ankle and Hindfoot Cases - Cases and Discussion

Biomechanics I with Matthias Walter, Mechanical Engineer